fitter food

Fitter Food Radio #144 – Stepping Up & Staying Strong

6th April 2020

In light of the Covid-19 (coronavirus) outbreak on Fitter Food Radio this week we discuss strategies to support yourself in the best way possible in these uncertain times. Including how to create structure and routine and protect your mental health.

6 Tips To Prevent Injury Weight Gain And Speed Up Recovery

15th March 2020

If I had a quid for every time I heard this ... “I gained xx amount of weight because I couldn’t train after getting injured” I would have quite a lot of quids lol! The reality is injuries do happen but you need to be able to deal with them in the best way possible, minimise weight gain and focus on supporting your recovery.

Emotional Lessons From A Health Challenge

21st February 2020

Working as a Nutritional Therapist I’ve supported many clients who've been diagnosed with cancer or other life changing, health conditions. Their strength and positivity never fails to inspire me, they also discuss emotions and observations that change their outlook and priorities going forward. I wanted to share a few of them with you.

Fitter Food #140 – Why We Can’t Relax

6th February 2020

Keris and Matt discuss why it’s increasingly hard to switch off and enjoy just doing nothing. They discuss the factors that contribute to excessive stimulation of the mind and strategies they’ve tried including CBD oil, adaptogenic herbs, candles, and digital detoxes.

Are You Focusing On The Wrong Thing For Fat Loss?

28th January 2020

There's a common issue we see time and time again. When people want to lose body fat their primary focus shifts to exercise. It's a not necessarily an effective approach and I'm going to explain why.

It’s January And About To Get Noisy!

3rd January 2020

It’s January and about to get noisy. Personal trainers will pick up the calorie deficit baton, 'Nutritionalists' lol will fill your feed with salads, smoothies, seeds and all things anti-inflammatory. Yogi’s will do something impressively bendy and help you detox with a chaturanga or two. Sleep coaches will tell you to be in a (dark) bedroom by 8pm because circadian rhythm health rocks. The pouting, selfies and showboating will gather momentum as January kicks into action. What’s crazy is this has become LIFE.

Guidance For Thyroid Support

3rd January 2020

A common issue I see across my client base, especially for women, is a thyroid complication. Some cases have already been diagnosed and sometimes we identify them through a combination of blood testing and symptom analysis. However, there’s another pattern I’ve observed and that is people looking for a thyroid issue as an explanation for their sluggish metabolism or lack of results when it comes to weight loss.

Fitter Food Radio #139 – Our Goals for a Strong 2020

1st January 2020

This week Keris and Matt reflect on lessons learned in the last 12 months and their goals for a healthy 2020 including stronger boundaries, conversations that matter, passion projects, and more in-person experiences.

Power Of Paleo Diet For Crohn’s and Colitis

29th December 2019

So this is pretty exciting, one of the first research studies that demonstrates how the paleo diet has the potential to be a highly effective intervention for Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and likely other autoimmune diseases.

What a HRT Prescription Taught Me About Menopause

11th December 2019

I dedicated the beginning of 2019 to writing a Peri-Menopause and Menopause E-course for our Fitter 365 Members. I had a good reason, just over a year ago, I was handed a prescription for HRT as test results showed all my hormones were in the post menopausal range.

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