
Could Creatine be Beneficial for You?

29th February 2024

There's one supplement that is currently on everyone's lips: Creatine I've watched my gym bro pals chug creatine monohydrate down for years and it turns out I should have been getting in on the action. Whilst it is a top supplement for improving performance during exercise, the main thing you need to take away is this...

Train Because You Love Your Body

15th October 2020

"Train because you love your body, not because you hate it!" I came across this awesome piece of advice recently and I instantly loved and related to it. It's so true that when it comes to hitting the gym or getting your trainers on for a run, it can often be linked to negative motivations including the following:

6 Tips To Prevent Injury Weight Gain And Speed Up Recovery

15th March 2020

If I had a quid for every time I heard this ... “I gained xx amount of weight because I couldn’t train after getting injured” I would have quite a lot of quids lol! The reality is injuries do happen but you need to be able to deal with them in the best way possible, minimise weight gain and focus on supporting your recovery.

Are You Focusing On The Wrong Thing For Fat Loss?

28th January 2020

There's a common issue we see time and time again. When people want to lose body fat their primary focus shifts to exercise. It's a not necessarily an effective approach and I'm going to explain why.

FITTER Festive Survival Guide

14th December 2017

We LOVE Christmas but it’s easy to get carried away with all the booze, biscuits and boxes of chocolates on offer around the clock. Whilst it’s great to indulge a little with friends and family and get stuck into the festivities you don’t want to end the year feeling miserable because you’ve gained weight, you’re knackered, bloated and your skin is suffering a breakout. All of this can put you in a negative mood and make you no good company to be around, not an ideal mindset to kick off 2018 .

5 Signs Your Man Food Needs a Makeover!

24th August 2016

I've had the opportunity to work with several blokes and I'm currently living with a rather large eating machine of a man (Matt!) so I’ve been afforded a great insight into how guys approach nutrition. One of the key things I'm always keen to coach guys about is how to recognise the signs their nutrition and lifestyle is working against their efforts in the gym and therefore hindering progress towards their performance or body composition goals. Here are the 5 signs your man food needs a makeover...

4 Simple Ways To Get More From Your Workouts

17th February 2016

Did you know you could get so much more from your training routine without spending any longer in the gym? I don’t mean you have to absolutely obliterate yourself and go from sprints on the treadmill to flying off the end and landing in the squat rack to then perform a non stop back to back circuit designed so you can actually see your heart beating through your chest.

3 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Body Fat

2nd February 2016

When working with clients who’s primary goal is to lose body fat we often discover that its not through lack of trying but more so because they become confused with the vast amount of information that is available out there. This says that and that says this. Well it can all get a bit mind boggling but I want to share 3 common reasons I feel most people are not achieving the fat loss results they desire and what you can do to change that shizzle.

Fitter Girls Guide To The Contraceptive Pill

24th January 2016

A topic we discuss regularly is hormone health, particularly in Fitter 365 our membership group. Some of the latest content has provoked some interesting discussions about hormone supplementation with many members asking about the health implications, side effects and how they could support themselves more nutritionally. This blog series will get you up to speed on female hormone therapy, kicking off with the contraceptive pill.

5 Tips To Avoid The Festive Flab

16th December 2015

Probably one of the most popular questions we come across this time of year is how to have your Xmas cake and eat it without piling on the pounds. This is completely understandable as there's so much more temptation around the festive period, a greater desire to let your hair down, not to mentioned some added stressors to cope with as we tackle the xmas shopping in the gloomy, wet weather etc, etc.  One thing to emphasis here is that we are just like you. We have a few more treats than we usually do around December, crave comfort foods with the darker mornings and shorter days and it is Christmas after all!

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