
Build Muscle

Fitter Food Radio #175 The Anti-Aging Benefits of Muscle

1st December 2021

This week on Fitter Food Radio Keris and Matt speak to Dr. Tommy Wood about the health benefits of muscle mass. Our discussion includes: How much exercise is enough to build sufficient muscle for health Nutritional supplements and dietary…

8 Steps To A Better Night’s Sleep

18th March 2021

No matter what your health or performance goal getting enough sleep has to be a top priority. It's essential to support fat loss, exercise recovery, immune health, healthy hormones, muscle mass and detoxification. In honour of World Sleep Day we thought we would share our top tips for securing a good nights sleep!

Train Because You Love Your Body

15th October 2020

"Train because you love your body, not because you hate it!" I came across this awesome piece of advice recently and I instantly loved and related to it. It's so true that when it comes to hitting the gym or getting your trainers on for a run, it can often be linked to negative motivations including the following:

The ONE Thing That Keeps Me Accountable

4th June 2018

A friend asked me recently how I stay motivated to eat healthily and exercise on a regular basis, I simply replied that "I'm lucky!" I'm lucky because I realised many years ago that I have two versions of myself. I know which one I want to be and being consistent with these habits ensures that's the case.

Why is My Naff Tattoo So Special?

25th May 2018

So I have a tattoo. I wish I could tell you that I spent hours contemplating this permanent print on my body but the truth is I googled some tattoo designs and just got it done. Why? Because I was unhappy and I desperately needed change in so many aspects of my life.

Why I Sleep In My Gym Gear…Occasionally

2nd January 2018

Having had a brilliant Crimbo with a little extra sprinkling of sugar, lots of late nights and cheese with just about everything, I’m now back to business as usual and following my healthy Fitter Food principles.

The One Resolution You Need To Make For Me

31st December 2017

The last year hasn’t been the easiest at times as so many people I love and care about had their lives negatively effected by chronic disease and despite having brilliant medical care, it just wasn’t enough.

Thrive in Five: 5 Ways To Boost Testosterone Naturally

25th August 2016

Fellas, it's no secret, testosterone levels are on the drop. In fact, testosterone in men has dropped rapidly over the last 50 years. This is due to many factors such as nutrition, alcohol consumption, smoking and other lifestyle factors, however you CAN do something about it. Now some things are a little out of our control but many things are and can be changed in order to optimise your bodies natural testosterone production.

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