
What a HRT Prescription Taught Me About Menopause

11th December 2019

I dedicated the beginning of 2019 to writing a Peri-Menopause and Menopause E-course for our Fitter 365 Members. I had a good reason, just over a year ago, I was handed a prescription for HRT as test results showed all my hormones were in the post menopausal range.

Fitter Food Radio #135 – Body Composition, Exercise & Honesty

1st December 2019

In this episode of Fitter Food Radio, we discuss the importance of making healthy changes, including body composition just for YOU and not the opinions of other people. We also discuss being honest with your partner, friends or family…

5 Steps To Find The Best Diet For You

16th October 2018

It never ceases to amaze me how much time and consideration people invest in choosing a car or mobile phone. At the point of purchase, you know EXACTLY what you need in terms of speed, space, cost, functionality, brand, colour and can describe the whole specification effortlessly.

Terms & Conditions: Help Us Get You Fitter Survey

14th August 2018

1. The prize draw is open to all respondents who complete the Fitter Food: Help Us Get You Fitter Survey in September 2018. 2. Staff members and associates of Fitter Food LTD are not eligible to enter…

Why is My Naff Tattoo So Special?

25th May 2018

So I have a tattoo. I wish I could tell you that I spent hours contemplating this permanent print on my body but the truth is I googled some tattoo designs and just got it done. Why?Β Because I was unhappy and I desperately needed change in so many aspects of my life.

The One Thing Investing and Fat Loss Have in Common

1st March 2018

I’m no Warren Buffett but I do have a very small investment portfolio (ok it's tiny but it's a start) and I enjoy reading books and articles etc to help me grow that portfolio and get a good return on my investment. Well that’s certainly the plan at least.

4 Tips To Help Ride Out The “Healthy” Discomfort Zone

22nd January 2018

We’re over half way through January and I've definitely seen loads of people emerging from their caffeine, sugar and alcohol withdrawals and starting to experience a new sense of awesomeness. However, it might be the case that you're still treadingΒ water with this healthy malarkey and just counting down the days until you can resume business as usual. Every single day can feel like a struggle as you battle cravings, wade through daily dullness and feel constantly distracted by the lack of reward in your life.

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