Fat Loss

5 Steps To Find The Best Diet For You

16th October 2018

It never ceases to amaze me how much time and consideration people invest in choosing a car or mobile phone. At the point of purchase, you know EXACTLY what you need in terms of speed, space, cost, functionality, brand, colour and can describe the whole specification effortlessly.

5 Essentials For A FITTER Holiday

22nd July 2018

We’ve just landed back from our holiday in Portugal. If you follow us on Instagram or Facebook you’ll know there were ice creams, burgers, M&M’s and some very sedentary days. We most certainly let our hair down BUT there was also a lotta good stuff going on, here’s an insight into how we stay FITTER on holiday and few tips to take away on your own travels.

The ONE Thing That Keeps Me Accountable

4th June 2018

A friend asked me recently how I stay motivated to eat healthily and exercise on a regular basis, I simply replied that "I'm lucky!" I'm lucky because I realised many years ago that I have two versions of myself. I know which one I want to be and being consistent with these habits ensures that's the case.

How To Be Super Human

19th March 2018

A client recently said to me.... “Keris I feel like you’re superhuman with all your lecturing, yoga and running. I’m so far away from where I’d like to be, it’s frustrating and at times feels pointless!”

The One Thing Investing and Fat Loss Have in Common

1st March 2018

I’m no Warren Buffett but I do have a very small investment portfolio (ok it's tiny but it's a start) and I enjoy reading books and articles etc to help me grow that portfolio and get a good return on my investment. Well that’s certainly the plan at least.

Self Doubt, Bunions and Party Tricks

5th February 2018

I haven’t lost the plot but you can be forgiven for thinking so with a title like that! So you might be wondering what do these three things have in common. The answer is quite simply that they all made me feel like I wasn’t good enough, they almost stopped me in my tracks and held me back from doing something I felt passionate about.

What Buying a House and Fat Loss Have in Common

29th January 2018

Hang on. Buying a house? Fat loss? I know what you're thinking, what do they have in common? Don’t worry it will all make sense soon, in fact I’m actually quite chuffed with myself about this one!

4 Tips To Help Ride Out The “Healthy” Discomfort Zone

22nd January 2018

We’re over half way through January and I've definitely seen loads of people emerging from their caffeine, sugar and alcohol withdrawals and starting to experience a new sense of awesomeness. However, it might be the case that you're still treading water with this healthy malarkey and just counting down the days until you can resume business as usual. Every single day can feel like a struggle as you battle cravings, wade through daily dullness and feel constantly distracted by the lack of reward in your life.

5 Things That Fuel Fat Loss and Don’t Cost a Penny

7th January 2018

It's 2018 Fitties and New Year’s resolutions are in full force. Health companies are rubbing their hands together at the thought of everyone spending their hard-earned cash on some ridiculous detox teas, weight loss pills or possibly the worst I've come across so far - a fat burning vest! Apparently just wearing it aids fat loss and tones your muscles, go figure?!

Why I Sleep In My Gym Gear…Occasionally

2nd January 2018

Having had a brilliant Crimbo with a little extra sprinkling of sugar, lots of late nights and cheese with just about everything, I’m now back to business as usual and following my healthy Fitter Food principles.

FITTER Festive Survival Guide

14th December 2017

We LOVE Christmas but it’s easy to get carried away with all the booze, biscuits and boxes of chocolates on offer around the clock. Whilst it’s great to indulge a little with friends and family and get stuck into the festivities you don’t want to end the year feeling miserable because you’ve gained weight, you’re knackered, bloated and your skin is suffering a breakout. All of this can put you in a negative mood and make you no good company to be around, not an ideal mindset to kick off 2018 .

Struggling with Hypothyroidism and Menopause Onset? Check Out This Diagram!

2nd October 2017

I recently got chatting to a lovely lady in a coffee shop after Hamish plonked his head in her lap requesting an ear tickle ? We got chatting about what we do for a living and I mentioned I was a Nutritional Therapist. She asked if I thought nutrition might be helpful for her, she had been recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism and was now struggling with the onset of menopausal symptoms.

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