
Fat Loss

Train Because You Love Your Body

15th October 2020

"Train because you love your body, not because you hate it!" I came across this awesome piece of advice recently and I instantly loved and related to it. It's so true that when it comes to hitting the gym or getting your trainers on for a run, it can often be linked to negative motivations including the following:

6 Tips To Prevent Injury Weight Gain And Speed Up Recovery

15th March 2020

If I had a quid for every time I heard this ... “I gained xx amount of weight because I couldn’t train after getting injured” I would have quite a lot of quids lol! The reality is injuries do happen but you need to be able to deal with them in the best way possible, minimise weight gain and focus on supporting your recovery.

A Fitter Food Good Gut Guide

22nd February 2020

A little wind or the occasional burp every now and then is a natural sign there's some digestive activity going on inside, however, excessive occurrence of these bodily functions may be a sign that's somethings up with your gut.

Are You Focusing On The Wrong Thing For Fat Loss?

28th January 2020

There's a common issue we see time and time again. When people want to lose body fat their primary focus shifts to exercise. It's a not necessarily an effective approach and I'm going to explain why.

Slow Down For Faster Results

17th January 2020

I want to talk a little about me BUT a lot about you. It’s been a whole 3 months since I joined my first ever CrossFit gym and I’m over the moon with my progress so far. There is still a long way to go, but instead of getting frustrated by how impossible some things can feel (muscle ups, barbell snatches and handstand walks to name a few) I feel motivated to practice and make progress.

It’s January And About To Get Noisy!

3rd January 2020

It’s January and about to get noisy. Personal trainers will pick up the calorie deficit baton, 'Nutritionalists' lol will fill your feed with salads, smoothies, seeds and all things anti-inflammatory. Yogi’s will do something impressively bendy and help you detox with a chaturanga or two. Sleep coaches will tell you to be in a (dark) bedroom by 8pm because circadian rhythm health rocks. The pouting, selfies and showboating will gather momentum as January kicks into action. What’s crazy is this has become LIFE.

Guidance For Thyroid Support

3rd January 2020

A common issue I see across my client base, especially for women, is a thyroid complication. Some cases have already been diagnosed and sometimes we identify them through a combination of blood testing and symptom analysis. However, there’s another pattern I’ve observed and that is people looking for a thyroid issue as an explanation for their sluggish metabolism or lack of results when it comes to weight loss.

An Avocado A Day Might Keep the Doctor Away

19th December 2019

The traditional saying encouraged us to grab an apple a day and more recently a digestive health expert suggested the humble onion maybe more beneficial, especially in terms of our supporting gut bacteria and immune system, however, the avocado is the shining star of some recent health research.

Fitter Food Radio #135 – Body Composition, Exercise & Honesty

1st December 2019

In this episode of Fitter Food Radio, we discuss the importance of making healthy changes, including body composition just for YOU and not the opinions of other people. We also discuss being honest with your partner, friends or family…

Chasing Squirrel’s and Four Lessons in Fat Loss

12th November 2018

I love a good analogy and this one is pure gold, based on a true story too. There is nothing Hamish loves more than a good squirrel hunt, but for a long time he never came close to catching one, however, the other morning he did something which amazed me. Bizarrely, it also got me thinking about how people often approach to fat loss…. bear with.

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