
Mindset Health

Fitter Food Radio #170 – Men’s Health Part 1

30th July 2021

This week on Fitter Food Radio we bring you part 1 of a new 2 part series where Keris and Matt focus their discussion around men’s health. Includes: The importance of friendships and how many pals you need to…

They Say A Picture Speaks A Thousand Words

11th July 2021

They say a picture speaks a thousand words but just one springs to mind here… FOOKED 😂 I was almost halfway through the 24 hour Grit Check challenge and being about 1000 cleans and 20 miles deep will do that…

10 Do’s and Don’t’s of Lockdown 3.0

18th January 2021

There is no denying these are difficult times, so here are 10 do’s and don’t’s to ensure you emerge from Lockdown 3.0 mentally and physically stronger. Do Not:  Repeat behaviors and habits from lockdown 1 and 2 that didn’t serve…

Fitter Food Radio #162 – Let’s Be Having You 2021

17th January 2021

This week on the podcast we take a look back at the lessons learnt from 2020 and how we can carry them through to make positive changes in 2021. Listen below or search ‘Fitter Food Radio’ on your preferred podcast…

5 Essentials for Lockdown 3.0

8th January 2021

January is going to be a challenge for everyone. The irony with Covid-19 is that robust metabolic and immune health is imperative to minimise the risk of having a severe infection. Yet the stress and anxiety surrounding the situation…

7 Steps to Ensure Your Social Media Supports Your Health

4th November 2020

As we enter Lockdown 2.0 there’s a good chance you’ll be spending more time online, interacting on social media and scrolling through your newsfeed. The first lockdown showed us just how brilliant virtual connections and the online space can be.

Fitter Food Radio #157 – Battling Lockdown Fatigue

2nd November 2020

In this episode of Fitter Food Radio we discuss focusing on the things you can change to adapt in these uncertain times and how to give yourself something to look forward to, and what that means on a bio-chemical…

What Do Farts and Feelings Have in Common?

25th September 2020

What do farts and feelings have in common?! Well, a lot when you think about it. Both are better out than in. Once trapped inside they can cause a lot of pain. The feeling of relief once you’ve let either…

Covid Concerns? Focus on this ONE thing!

3rd September 2020

🤔 is this just me?   Or do you also find your head occasionally slips back to pre-COVID times when you’re out and about? Then you get a whiff of…

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