Last weekend, a virus knocked Matt and I completely off our feet.
At first, I resisted.
“I don’t have time for this!” I thought.
But the fatigue was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.
So, I surrendered. I told myself that in that moment:

It reminded me of something important:
We often live as if the world can’t survive without us.
We do too much, try to control too much, and wear ourselves thin in the process.
The reality? Our bodies are always telling us to slow down.
And when we listen, we rediscover what true rest feels like.
I only began to realise what true R&R felt like when I had my first sedation in hospital.
The second time was during a psychedelic retreat.
In those moments, time stopped for me.
I wasn’t Keris.
No one needed me.
I had no jobs to do.
I didn’t need to be anywhere.
I could just surrender… and finally relax.
Both paused life and permitted me to fall into a state of rest I’d not experienced for decades.
I know what you’re thinking… don’t worry!
Neither is a sustainable option going forward.
Luckily, I found a way of achieving this feeling that is more aligned with my values and health.

The more I lean into this, the less chaos and clutter I want in my life.
Getting ill forced me to pause and recover, and now I’m so grateful to be back on my feet.
So, here’s your reminder: Less doing, more being. Less chaos, more contentment.
If you’re ready to prioritise your own health, happiness, and mindset this year, there’s still time to join our 8-week Strong Humans Project starting Jan 20.
Let’s make 2025 the year of being strong humans!