Why do we cling to habits that don’t serve us?
The answer? Fear.
Fear of facing reality, of sitting with ourselves and confronting where we are. It’s easier to distract ourselves with familiar habits than face the unknown.

I learned this the hard way through illness, it took away the food, the exercise goals, the busy work schedule, socialising and the sound sleep… for years.
I was left with only a noisy, negative and fearful mind and intense cravings, with none of my usual coping mechanisms.
I’m now utterly grateful for this experience.
By meditating, walking, yoga, and staying mindful, I’ve learned to balance my mind and body.
I feel better, I think kinder thoughts, and I’m happier just being. I also check in regularly with myself.
My needs are less.
When you see your habits clearly, transformation becomes easier.
If you’re ready to begin your own journey, join us for The Strong Humans Project.