What do wisdom teeth removal and Menopause have in common?! This morning I had my wisdom teeth taken out – no sedation either (sob!)
After recently running a webinar (sign up for our emails if you’d like to notified of future free events) discussing menopause it occurred to me there are many parallels.
Both are just a bundle of fear, horror stories, once they kick off you have no choice in the matter, both will feck your sleep and mean you can’t eat what you like

Or so you think 

Actually, once my wisdom teeth erupted I decided to put an integrated health approach in place, just as I’ve done with my hormones.
In both situations, I did my research, looked at the options, consulted experts to ensure the process was personalised to my needs, with as little risk as possible.
Interestingly, my dentist also made some suggestions about prepping my teeth for menopause and the effects of declining hormones which can loosen teeth, oh eck!
With both I also did the groundwork by implementing the following, all essential for hormones and dental health:

Whilst there are no guarantees, there’s also no fear because I’ve got a plan, and if need be there’s a drawing board and a team I trust for help and support.
In terms of your general hormone health or menopause, you’re not powerless and shouldn’t feel vulnerable or scared.
There are so many effective interventions that you can implement with regards to nutrition, exercise, supplements, sleep support, and HRT.
All are hugely beneficial whether you have a cycle, are perimenopause, or going through menopause.
Trust me, a personalised approach can make a world of a difference.
I know many women in a similar position and so I’ve put full details into a Menopause Power Pack and included a 300-page Hormone Hero Nutrition Essentials and Practical Guidance ebook.
Essentially everything you need to know to nurture your hormones now and future proof for the inevitable.
